Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Spanish Short Story
It was late in the afternoon when Mr Utterson found his way to Dr Jekyll’s front door, where he was let in by Poole, the butler. | Era última hora de la tarde cuando el Sr. Utterson encontró el camino hasta la puerta principal del Dr. Jekyll, donde le hizo pasar Poole, el mayordomo. |
He was led through the kitchen offices, across a yard and into the doctor’s laboratory. | Fue conducido a través de las oficinas de la cocina, cruzó un patio y entró en el laboratorio del doctor. |
It was a large room that looked out upon the court through three dusty windows. | Era una habitación grande que daba al patio a través de tres ventanas polvorientas. |
Close to the fireplace sat Dr Jekyll, looking very sick. | Cerca de la chimenea estaba sentado el Dr. Jekyll, con aspecto muy enfermo. |
He did not stand up to meet his visitor, but held out his hand and welcomed him in a different voice. | No se levantó para recibir a su visitante, sino que le tendió la mano y le dio la bienvenida con otra voz. |
“Have you heard the news?” said Mr Utterson, as soon as Poole had left them. | "¿Ha oído las noticias?", dijo el Sr. Utterson, en cuanto Poole los hubo dejado. |
“You have not been mad enough to hide this fellow?” | "¿No ha estado tan loco como para esconder a este tipo?" |
“Utterson, I swear to God,” cried the doctor. “I will never set eyes on him again.” | "Utterson, lo juro por Dios", gritó el doctor. "No volveré a ponerle los ojos encima". |
The lawyer listened, but did not like his friend’s feverish manner. | El abogado escuchó, pero no le gustaron los modales febriles de su amigo. |
“I hope you may be right. If it came to a trial, your name might appear.” | "Espero que tenga razón. Si llegara a juicio, su nombre podría aparecer". |
Jekyll said hesitantly: “I have received a letter, and I am at a loss whether I should show it to the police. | Jekyll dijo vacilante: "He recibido una carta y no sé si debo mostrársela a la policía. |
I would like to leave it in your hands, Utterson. I have such a great trust in you.” | Me gustaría dejarla en sus manos, Utterson. Tengo una gran confianza en usted". |
The letter was written in odd handwriting and signed “Edward Hyde.” | La carta estaba escrita con letra rara y firmada "Edward Hyde". |
“Shall I keep this and sleep on it?” asked Utterson. | "¿La guardo y duermo sobre ella?" preguntó Utterson. |
“I wish you to judge it for me entirely,” the doctor replied. “I have lost confidence in myself.” | "Deseo que la juzgue por mí enteramente", contestó el doctor. "He perdido la confianza en mí mismo". |
On his way out, the lawyer stopped and had a word with Poole. | Al salir, el abogado se detuvo y habló con Poole. |
“By the way,” he said, “there was a letter handed in today. Who brought it?” | "Por cierto", dijo, "hoy se ha entregado una carta. ¿Quién la trajo?" |
But Poole was certain that nothing had come except for circulars. | Pero Poole estaba seguro de que no había llegado nada más que circulares. |
This news sent off the visitor with his fears renewed. | Esta noticia despidió al visitante con sus temores renovados. |
Shortly after, Mr Utterson sat down with Mr Guest, his head clerk, and a bottle of old wine that had long dwelled in the cellar of his house. | Poco después, el Sr. Utterson se sentó con el Sr. Guest, su secretario principal, y una botella de vino añejo que había habitado largo tiempo en el sótano de su casa. |
Then the servant entered with a note. | Entonces entró el criado con una nota. |
“Is that from Dr Jekyll, sir?” inquired the clerk. | "¿Es del Dr. Jekyll, señor?", preguntó el secretario. |
“Only an invitation to dinner. Why? Do you want to see it?” | "Sólo una invitación a cenar. ¿Por qué? ¿Quiere verla?" |
The clerk laid the two sheets of paper alongside and closely compared their contents. | El secretario colocó las dos hojas de papel una al lado de la otra y comparó detenidamente su contenido. |
“Thank you, sir,” he said at last, returning both sheets. | "Gracias, señor", dijo al fin, devolviéndole ambas hojas. |
“It’s a very interesting signature.” | "Es una firma muy interesante". |
There was a pause, during which Mr Utterson was in deep thought. | Hubo una pausa, durante la cual el Sr. Utterson se quedó pensativo. |
“Why did you compare them, Guest?” he inquired suddenly. | "¿Por qué las comparó, Guest?", preguntó de repente. |
“Well, sir,” replied the clerk, “there’s a rather singular resemblance; the two hands are in many ways identical, only differently sloped.” | "Bueno, señor", respondió el secretario, "hay un parecido bastante singular; las dos manos son idénticas en muchos aspectos, sólo que tienen una inclinación diferente". |
When Mr Utterson was alone that night, he locked the note into his safe, where it stayed from that point onwards. | Cuando el Sr. Utterson se quedó solo aquella noche, guardó la nota en su caja fuerte, donde permaneció desde entonces. |
“What!” he thought. “Henry Jekyll forged the handwriting of a murderer!” | "¡Qué!", pensó. "¡Henry Jekyll falsificó la letra de un asesino!" |
And his blood ran cold in his veins. | Y se le heló la sangre en las venas. |
Vocab review
tarde (f)
doctor (m)
abogado (m)
casa (f)
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This is an excerpt of the original story written by Robert Louis Stevenson, adapted for language-learners like you.