Welsh Example Sentences
It is said that apple pie making was brought to America by English settlers.
Dywedir bod ymgynefinwyr o Loegr wedi dod â'r gwaith o wneud pastai afalau i America.
Collect vegetable and fruit waste such as peelings, cores and banana skins in a small kitchen bin.
Casglwch wastraff llysiau a ffrwythau fel pilio, creiddiau a sgins banana mewn bin cegin bach.
Cherry and pear trees laden with fruit can become barren overnight when crows decide to strike.
Gall coed ceirios a gellyg sy'n cael eu golchi â ffrwythau gael eu gwahardd dros nos pan fydd brain yn penderfynu taro.
Almond trees and coconut palms provided abundant shade from the midday sun.
Roedd coed almon a palmwydd cnau coco yn darparu cysgod helaeth o'r haul canol dydd.
Place the carrot and zested lemon rind in a bowl, then add lemon juice, olive oil, and currants.
Rhowch y moron a'r lemwn wedi'i rinsio mewn powlen, yna ychwanegwch sudd lemwn, olew olewydd, a chyrion.
A bit of sun, a bit of wildlife, washed down with chilled lemonade and a wedge of juicy watermelon.
Ychydig o haul, ychydig o fywyd gwyllt, wedi'i olchi i lawr gyda lemonêd oer a lletem o felon dŵr suddlon.
We baked a classic creamy almond cake covered with smooth milk chocolate.
Gwnaethom bobi cacen almon hufennog glasurol wedi'i gorchuddio â siocled llaeth llyfn.
Mix the ground cashew with 1/8 cup water, adding 1 tablespoon of water at a time until nut paste is smooth.
Cymysgwch y cashiw daear gydag un wythfed cwpan o ddŵr, gan ychwanegu 1 llwy fwrdd o ddŵr ar y tro nes bod past cnau yn llyfn.
Darian trailed her into the kitchen, unable to turn down her peanut butter cookies.
Aeth Darian â hi i mewn i'r gegin, heb lwyddo i wrthod ei chwcis menyn cnau daear.
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