Welsh Example Sentences
Their skin complexions were similar enough for them to be brother and sister.
Roedd eu cymhlethion croen yn ddigon tebyg iddyn nhw fod yn frawd a chwaer.
Martha lifted her daughter from her crib and cuddled her briefly.
Cododd Martha ei merch o'i chrib a'i chofleidio am gyfnod byr.
The family consisted of my father and mother, two older half-brothers, and a little sister.
Roedd y teulu yn cynnwys fy nhad a mam, dau hanner brawd hŷn, a chwaer fach.
When Benjamin's father came home, his mother showed him the picture.
Pan ddaeth tad Benjamin adref, dangosodd ei fam y llun iddo.
From the time Alex brought him home for a visit, they had been like father and son.
O'r adeg y daeth Alex ag ef adref ar gyfer ymweliad, roedden nhw wedi bod fel tad a mab.
I just found out that my best friend and I are related through distant cousins.
Newydd ddarganfod bod fy ffrind gorau a minnau'n gysylltiedig trwy gefndryd pell.
Her mother brought her back to London when she was 14.
Daeth ei mam â hi yn ôl i Lundain pan oedd hi'n 14 oed.
He enjoys the simple pleasure of spending time with his wife and kids after work.
Mae'n mwynhau'r pleser syml o dreulio amser gyda'i wraig a'i blant ar ôl gwaith.
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