Welsh Example Sentences
Today, it owns a bakery that produces French pastries on a daily basis.
Heddiw, mae'n berchen ar popty sy'n cynhyrchu pasteiod Ffrengig yn ddyddiol.
He read about this place in a book, maybe a long time ago, and now he's dreaming about it.
Darllenodd am y lle hwn mewn llyfr, efallai amser maith yn ôl, a nawr mae'n breuddwydio amdano.
They suggest other products a customer might be interested in.
Maen nhw'n awgrymu cynhyrchion eraill y gallai cwsmer fod â diddordeb ynddo.
The two major shopping malls in the area have now been revamped and upgraded.
Mae'r ddau ganolfan siopa fawr yn yr ardal bellach wedi cael eu hailwampio a'u huwchraddio.
Before going home, she made a trip to the market and bought prepared food for the first time.
Cyn mynd adref, gwnaeth daith i'r farchnad a phrynu bwyd wedi ei baratoi am y tro cyntaf.
The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal.
Gwneir y cynnyrch gan ddefnyddio fformiwla gyfrinachol y mae'r cwmni'n gwrthod ei ddatgelu.
When you look at a product on one of its web pages, it suggests other products you might like as well.
Pan edrychwch ar gynnyrch ar un o'i dudalennau gwe, mae'n awgrymu cynhyrchion eraill y gallech eu hoffi hefyd.
When you place your order, the cashier marks a coffee cup with your name and places it into the queue.
Pan fyddwch chi'n gosod eich archeb, mae'r cashier yn nodi cwpan coffi gyda'ch enw a'i osod i mewn i'r ciw.
She made her way to a coffee shop and sat at a table with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand.
Gwnaeth ei ffordd i siop goffi ac eistedd wrth fwrdd gyda phaned o siocled poeth yn ei llaw.
I'm going shopping, then spending the rest of the day at the spa.
Dwi'n mynd i siopa, wedyn treulio gweddill y diwrnod yn y spa.
You will not have to search for a supermarket to get snacks for tomorrow's adventure.
Ni fydd yn rhaid chwilio am archfarchnad i gael byrbrydau ar gyfer antur yfory.
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