Welsh Example Sentences
Carmen reached into the bag and pulled out a head of broccoli, avoiding his gaze.
Cyrhaeddodd Carmen y bag a thynnu pen o frocoli allan, gan osgoi ei olwg.
On Saturdays, a number of treats are available, such as French brioche and carrot cake.
Ar ddydd Sadwrn, mae nifer o ddanteithion ar gael, fel brioche Ffrengig a chacen moron.
Add finely chopped spring onion, cucumber and fresh dill, and mix with a small amount of natural live yogurt.
Ychwanegwch winwnsyn gwanwyn wedi'i dorri'n fân, ciwcymbr a dill ffres, a'i gymysgu â swm bach o iogwrt byw naturiol.
Transfer to a bowl and stir in finely chopped mango, cucumber and lime juice.
Trosglwyddwch i fowlen a'i droi mewn mango, ciwcymbr a sudd calch wedi'i dorri'n fân.
When garlic bulbs are crushed, alliin is converted into another compound called allicin.
Pan gaiff bylbiau garlleg eu gwasgu, mae alliin yn cael ei droi'n gyfansoddyn arall o'r enw allicin.
She tossed the chopped lettuce into a large stainless steel bowl.
Roedd hi'n tostio'r letys wedi'i dorri'n bowlen ddur fawr.
Sandwiches range from portobello mushroom to chopped salmon steak.
Mae brechdanau'n amrywio o fadarch portobello i stêc eog wedi'i dorri'n fân.
Katie shrugged her shoulders and focused on cutting the potato in her hand.
Roedd Katie yn ysgwyd ei hysgwyddau ac yn canolbwyntio ar dorri'r tatws yn ei llaw.
Place the chicken on a wooden board and serve it at the table, with the sweetcorn guacamole and roasted lemon halves.
Rhowch y cyw iâr ar fwrdd pren a'i weini wrth y bwrdd, gyda'r guacamole india-corn a'r haneri lemwn rhost.
In the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons, and several other unknown but delicious fruits, of which they ate heartily.
Yn y gerddi llysiau fe ddaethon nhw o hyd i'r mefus a'r melonau, a sawl ffrwyth anhysbys ond blasus arall, ac roedden nhw'n bwyta'n galonnog.
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